Why is baptism an important step of faith?

Baptism is an outward act
representing an inward grace.

This means of grace offers both the justifying grace of forgiveness and the healing of the new birth as we are indelibly marked by the Spirit as God’s beloved children, set forth to live into further healing in Christlikeness. (Brent D. Peterson)

Baptism symbolizes death to the old way of life and being raised in a new life with Christ: a change that has resulted from God’s movement in your life.

Baptisms are held for children, youth, and adults throughout the year at both 9am & 11am services. We offer a short (online) baptism class with a pastor to help prepare you for what to expect during a baptism service.

Crossroads will provide a shirt to be baptized in. Please wear dark colored shorts, and bring sandals and a towel on the day of your baptism. If you are interested in being baptized or have more questions, please fill out the form below.