Did you know Crossroads serves about 300 meals every week to people in need around the Baltimore region? Since 2020, our Breaking Bread-BeMoreCaring food ministry has been sharing the compassion of Jesus one meal at a time and has opportunities for you to serve!

Applying Matthew 25:40, the ministry partners with BeMoreCaring, a local nonprofit, to prepare meals for the homeless and home-at-risk in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel County. The ministry also supports Crossroads ministries with food services for activities within the church and surrounding communities.

While most needs are during the daytime, there's flexibility with others during evenings and weekends for those who work and want to serve. Check out the details below and contact us for more information for current serving opportunities!


Volunteer and Meal Coordinator
Any day or time (does not need to work in the kitchen with meal prep)
- schedules Monday/Friday shifts of volunteers
- provides meal plans
- manages food and supply storage
- maintains kitchen
- point of contact for BeMoreCaring

Kitchen Meal Team
Mondays and 1st/3rd/5th Fridays at Crossroads’ kitchen.
Morning shift 10am-12:30pm:
Prepare and cook ingredients, assemble meals, and begin clean up.

Afternoon shift 12:30pm-3:00pm
Finish meal assembly if necessary, clean up, pack meals in appropriate warmer/cooler bags (no cooking required).

Meal Delivery
Mondays, 1pm & some Fridays
BMC Warehouse, 131 Roesler Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 21060
Details: Deliver meals from Crossroads to BMC, and transports meal bags from BMC to Crossroads (anytime).

First Fruits Farm Produce Pick-Up

Tuesdays, 10am-2pm, or Wednesdays 8am-1pm (Winter 2024)
First Fruits Farm, 20431 Middletown Road, Freeland, MD 21053
Details: Food pickup once a month from First Fruits Farm and transport back to Crossroads’ kitchen.

Chick-Fil-A  (CFA) Donations Pick-Up
Tuesdays 2-2:30pm: BWI Chick-Fil-A, 1610 W. Nursery Rd, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090
Wednesdays 10-10:30am: Glen Burnie Chick-Fil-A, 6709 Ritchie Highway, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Details: CFA donations are typically portioned between Crossroads and BeMoreCaring (BMC) warehouse sites, with some also going to a senior facility in Anne Arundel County.


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The Meal Train Ministry of Crossroads is a team of volunteers who provides meals to families and individuals in a time of life transition, such as the birth/adoption of a new family member, surgery, illness, or any circumstances when additional help is needed. We are always looking for more people to add to our list of volunteers. Visit the “Join a Group” tab and request to join the Meal Train Ministry.

If you are in need of meals, please complete the request form below and a leader of our team will reach out to you.