Crossroads Youth is for any students currently in 6th-12th grade. We teach students how to have a personal and growing relationship with Christ. Every Wednesday night there is an exciting service geared just for students. Students are invited to arrive at 6:30pm for a time of fellowship and games. The service will start at 7pm with a time of student led worship and teaching. After the service, teenagers will then head into a small group based on age and gender from 8-9pm to discuss the lesson.

Upcoming Events


LATE NIGHT RETURNS! January 19th from 9PM-12AM, join us for laser tag battles and game night! Pizza and snacks will be provided!

The cost to attend is $20/person. Payment can be paid by cash/check or at the front door the night of the event. Bring your friends because it’s going to be a fun night!

To participate in laser tag, each student MUST fill out the waiver form below:




  • Become a small group leader.

  • Volunteer as a substitute small group leader.

  • Become a check-in volunteer to take attendance as students come in on Wednesday nights.