Very Important People, yep, that’s YOU!  You are Crossroads’ “cream of the crop” because you get that little people matter to God.  You have said “yes” because you get that our job is not to merely babysit but to teach these littles to KNOW, GROW, and SHOW God’s love to the world around them.  This is best accomplished when we: Show up, come prepared, and give our kids our BEST!

We are so honored to serve alongside of you!  Below are several resources we are certain you’ll find helpful as you serve Crossroads Kids!  And of course, call us, come see us, or email us if there’s anything we can do to serve you better!

What you do each week matters! Thank you for serving our families and their kids.

 VIP Huddles - the 2nd & 3rd weeks
every other month at 10:30!

first look VIPS -

Jesus is always a good friend

Have you ever seen a bunch of preschoolers jumping in rain puddles? So many giggles! So much excitement! And do you know that feeling you get when you step outside and feel the sunshine on your face for the first time in a week? Pure happiness! Our preschoolers experience a wide range of emotions every day. They feel sad, happy, afraid, nervous, excited—sometimes all in the same hour! Our preschoolers will grow up and experience a lot of different situations and emotions. We want children to know that Jesus is a friend that loves them at ALL times. A friend that will never leave them. That’s why, this month, we are talking about THE best friend—the One who is ALWAYS a good friend. Rain or shine, Jesus is always a good friend of mine!

“A friend loves you all the time.”
Proverbs 17:17, NCV




cKids VIPS - 

Resilience: Getting back up when something gets you down

With every season comes new and different challenges but also the chance to experience incredible joy. Through sunshine or rain, storms, and blue skies, seasons and weather are important to growth, but not just for flowers and trees. How we respond to each season of life helps us grow in maturity and can spur us to a deeper faith in God. This is especially true when it comes to our emotions. Just as seasons come and go, so do our emotions. And how we choose to handle those emotions can shape us and teach us a lot about how God cares for us. No matter what emotion we may be feeling or what we may face, because of Jesus, we can learn to trust that God knows how we feel. Jesus showed us how to face life with resilience, and because of it, we can trust God no matter what.

“Be strong, all you who put your hope in the LORD. Never give up.”
Psalm 31:24, NIrV

K & 1st

2nd & 3rd

Tribe 45