Very Important People, yep, that’s YOU!  You are Crossroads’ “cream of the crop” because you get that little people matter to God.  You have said “yes” because you get that our job is not to merely babysit but to teach these littles to KNOW, GROW, and SHOW God’s love to the world around them.  This is best accomplished when we: Show up, come prepared, and give our kids our BEST!

We are so honored to serve alongside of you!  Below are several resources we are certain you’ll find helpful as you serve Crossroads Kids!  And of course, call us, come see us, or email us if there’s anything we can do to serve you better!

What you do each week matters! Thank you for serving our families and their kids.

 VIP Huddles - the 2nd & 3rd weeks
every other month at 10:30!

first look VIPS -

Jesus loves everyone

Have you ever been on a bus filled with people? There are grandparents, kids, teenagers, people going to the store, people going to work, people going to school. They may not know each other, but do you know what they all have in common? Jesus loves every one of them. Every. Single. One! Think about it this way: if Jesus was driving a bus, everyone would be invited to get on. EVERYONE! This month, you get to tell preschoolers that Jesus loves them. Jesus loves their family. Jesus loves their friends. Jesus loves everyone! And Jesus wants everyone to follow Him! So, crank up that bus! Get those wheels turning! There is a great big world that needs to hear that Jesus loves everyone!

“Love each other the same way I have loved you.”
John 15:12, NLT




cKids VIPS - 

Uniqueness: Learning about yourself so you can make a difference

Have you ever thought about what makes you, you? We all have different backgrounds, families, or favorite colors. We all enjoy different sports, foods, vacations, and have different friends and experiences in life. Even twins have different fingerprints! Together, all of those pieces make up who we are. But we can’t understand who we are and what we were created to do without first understanding the way God sees us. Every single one of us was created in the image of God. But even as image bearers, we were created as unique. There is only one you, and this month we have the chance to explore how God can use the ways we were created to make a difference.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14, NIV

K & 1st

2nd & 3rd

Tribe 45